Ingelectus joins UNEF to boost the photovoltaic sector

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"Ingelectus joins UNEF to boost the photovoltaic sector"

Unión Española Fotovoltaica (UNEF) brings together and is the spokesperson for more than 800 companies specialising in engineering, production, installation, manufacturing and distribution, among other areas of activity.
One of UNEF’s main activities is carried out through its Working Groups, which enable the various member companies to discuss and generate synergies. In addition, the organisation compiles news, data on new regulations, studies and technical reports that may be relevant for companies in the photovoltaic sector.

The main services offered by UNEF are

-Sectoral and market information through a press kit and specific communications.
-Consultancy and advice at technical, financial, legal and informative level.
-Regulation and participation in the definition and positioning of UNEF in the sector’s regulations.
-Visibility among associated companies and with a reach beyond the association.
-Access to the employment portal where you can publish job offers or contact candidates.
-Private area with access to member contacts, documentation drafted by UNEF and the possibility of collaboration agreements with entities.
-Training and events with preferential conditions for members.
-Working Groups to debate and generate common actions.
-Networking through the different meetings of the delegations, working groups or UNEF events.


By joining UNEF, Ingelectus aims to

-Keep up to date with all the latest information on the photovoltaic sector in Spain.
-Knowing the updates in terms of regulation of renewable plants.
-Increase its visibility in the sector.
-Participate in relevant events at national level with UNEF.
-Expand the network of potential customers within the photovoltaic sector.
-Actively participate in the debates and actions promoted within the UNEF Working Groups.
-According to the solutions proposed by Ingelectus, and in line with the line of action of the UNEF, the company sees interesting the opportunity to promote its cutting-edge technology, with innovative and sustainable products, within the framework of renewables.
-The Spanish Photovoltaic Union enables companies to join forces towards the definitive energy transition with the commitment to comply with international guidelines on climate change. This task is carried out with an eye on the international scene and from a national body in a country, ours, which is experiencing a notable boom in the renewables sector.


