Experts in smartand efficient operation of distribution networks. We create R&D&I projects to anticipate the future of energy.

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Ingelectus in the smart grids.

The Smart Grids area of Ingelectus is dedicated to the development of innovative solutions oriented to electrical grids to turn them into smart and digitized electrical grids.

Ingelectus’ objective with Smart Grids is to build, on top of the information layer of the SOs (Inventory, GIS, SCADAs, Supervisors, AMI), new layers of intelligence and knowledge that solve the needs of electrical grids and allow them to adapt to the challenges of the short and medium term. This makes it possible to develop solutions that seek to address the main challenges of the electricity sector

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the map of the city of moscow at night
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To comply with quality and continuity of supply indexes.


Flexibility as a network operation mechanism.

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Detection, localization and reduction of technical and non-technical losses.


Improve the efficiency of the sector and the remuneration of distributors.

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Increasing the resilience of power grids.


Optimization of electrical network planning.

Cutting-edge technology for the power grid

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InGrid supply points