Enabling a safe and reliable power system

What is Enigma?

Enigma – Electric Grid AI is the winning project of the second edition of the Grid2030 programme, promoted by Red Eléctrica de España (REE). It arises from the collaboration of three Spanish entities: Ingelectus, Hi-Iberia, developer of software and ICT solutions, and Prysma, a consultancy specialised in technological development.


Transmission System Operators (TSO) need innovative ideas to keep the electrical system safe, reliable and with the required quality levels. Renewable energies (mainly, wind and photovoltaic) have a growing role in electricity systems and TSOs need to be aware of the new capabilities that these new technologies can achieve and use them to keep the electricity system running optimally.


What solution does Enigma offer?

We have developed a tool that will help Red Eléctrica to define how the new agents of the energy transition such as solar generation, wind power plants or mass storage elements should behave. In other words, any TSO will be able to define the behaviour of these elements in order to optimise the frequency response of the system, since the new energy resources connected by means of technologies based on power electronics offer the possibility of a wide range of performance.


With this tool, Enigma wil be able to simulate the dynamic behavior of the electrical system and of the renewable and conventional generation connected to it, controlled by agents trained by means of Artificial Intelligence and guided by a reward function. Within that reward function, we have set the objectives that we want our simulated electricity system to achieve. The trained deep neural agents will know what conditions the power grid elements will require to achieve a system that follows the objectives we have previously set within the reward function.