Specialised services for modelling and simulation of renewable plants

Ingelectus offers specialised services on modelling and simulation of electrical power systems, and particularly, of renewable generation plants. 

In those countries with the most strict grid codes, the simulation model is commonly a compulsory requirement for the connection  of a system to the grid.

Ingelectus services include:

  • Modelling of the different power plant devices
  • Grid Code required simulations
  • Final report to the system operator


Integration studies allow to analyse and assess whether a generation plant meets the grid code requirements or not.

Assessed technical requirements:

  • Frequency response
  • Reactive power controls
  • Active power control
  • Response to voltage ride through
  • Reactive power capacity

Other simulation studies:

  • Validation of dynamic models against laboratory and field measurements of equipments
  • Harmonic studies
  • Short-circuit studies.
  • Power Oscillatio Damping report
  • Synthetic inertia report
  • Equipment sizing to meet reactive power capacity requirement


NTS and P.O. 12.2

Complementary simulations
Power Oscillation Damping report
Synthetic inertia report

P.O. 9

Dynamic models validation report
Descriptive report
Harmonic voltage report

Grid Codes

We have a wide experience in the Grid Codes that define the technical requirements for connection to the Grid that power plants have to meet.

Among the primary:

  • Spain – REE
  • Portugal – REN
  • Mexico – CENACE
  • Chile – CEN
  • Colombia – XM
  • Puerto Rico – PREPA
  • US – (HECO, ERCOT, …)
  • Australia – AEMO
  • Ukraine – UKRENERGO
  • Egypt- EETC
  • Honduras – ODS
  • Guatemala – CNEE
  • Costa Rica – EOR
  • South Africa – NERSA.


In Ingelectus we develop electromechanical and electromagnetic models of electrical power systems.

Equipment modelling

Photovoltaic inverters

Wind Turbine Generators



Power Plant Controller

Modelling of renewable generation plants




Softwares – EPS Simulation

Main clients

Usage cases

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Fulfill the different Grid Codes


Analyse the impact of new elements connected to the EPS


Size power plant elements to meet the TSO and DSO requirements

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Dynamic model validation of equipments

Previous experiences