Ingelectus, ten years providing innovative solutions to the energy sector

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"Ingelectus, ten years providing innovative solutions to the energy sector"

At the end of November we celebrated the event to mark our tenth anniversary working in research and development of innovative solutions in all areas of the electricity sector. The auditorium of the Tecnoincubadora Marie Curie —located in theParque Tecnológico de la Cartuja (Seville), where we also have our headquarter— hosted the celebration where we were able to meet with all our colleagues.

During the act we were able to thank the public and private entities for all the support they have given us during this time, in addition to sharing the company’s growth prospects. But how have we contributed to the sector over the years?

  • We have contributed with our services to obtain connection permits for more than one hundred renewable plants, mainly in Spain and Mexico, as well as in different countries in America, Europe and Oceania.
  • We have helped Red Eléctrica de España to start up the submarine cable in alternating current that connects Ibiza and Mallorca. Our contribution was to supply and commission the controlled switching relays of the cable’s circuit breakers with the technical support of our partner Vizimax
  • We currently control 2.5 GW of photovoltaic, wind and hybrid plants with our Renewable Plant Controller (PPC) technology in Spain, United States, Canada, Mexico and Chile. We will soon reach 4.4 GW.
  • In projects such as DT4Flex or Enigma, we are investigating how to help provide flexibility to the system so that it can integrate, among others, self-consumption systems without compromising the supply quality of other customers.

A series of milestones that encourage us to continue working with more innovative projects. Our technology has facilitated the energy transition in the renewable energy sector and smart grids.

A family celebration

The event, opened by Daniel Morales Wagner —CEO of Ingelectus—, was also attended by different representatives of entities that are part of the DNA of this company. Luis Pérez, General Manager of the Parque Científico y Tecnológico Cartuja, took the floor as host of the PCT Cartuja and highlighted the involvement of the center with companies like ours. He also highlighted the importance between the connection between science, city and people.

Esperanza Caro, Director of the Municipal Business Corporation of Seville, represented the Seville City Council’s commitment to PCT Cartuja as an incubator for technology companies. “It is not easy for ideas to become realities, and for these realities to last over time”, commented Esperanza Caro, pointing out the value we have brought over the years to PCT Cartuja. Felipe Rosa, Vice-rector of Knowledge Transfer of the University of Seville, clarified the role of the Vice-rectorate of Knowledge Transfer, being key in the creation of Knowledge-Based Companies of the University of Seville and where he included us as one of the Andalusian references. On the other hand, Pablo Cortés, from the General Secretariat for Research and Innovation, highlighted how from innovation we can differentiate ourselves from other companies, something that Ingelectus works on with our different products and services.

Finally, Antonio Gómez Expósito, Professor of the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Seville and founding partner of Ingelectus, closed the event by providing the vision of the promoters of Ingelectus.

Ten years improving the deployment of renewable energies and smart grids thanks to knowledge and technology.

Throughout this decade of work, from Ingelectus we have contributed to the sector with a wide range of innovative services and products applied in the area of renewable energies and the electricity sector. Products focused on the control and monitoring of networks such as the Renewable Generation Plant Controller or the Ingrid suite of applications are some examples. In addition, we participate in numerous R&D projects to always beat the forefront of knowledge. Companies such as REE, Ormazabal, Endesa, Acciona or Cuerva are some examples of regular collaborators.

We were born in the heart of the University of Seville as a spin-off whose partners belong to the Department of Electrical Engineering of this University —one of the most relevant research groups in Spain with an important international projection— so we are also closely linked to research. This connection allows us to be at the forefront of research and innovation of the solutions we propose, combining R&D research projects with product development and consulting.

Along these ten years we have also seen the team grow, which now consists of 14 employees including electrical, telecommunications, computer and energy engineers, with transversal skills especially in software development, data analytics and modeling, as well as specialization in new technologies such as Big Data, Artificial Intelligence or Microservices. We are also part of the Círculo de Empresarios de la Cartuja and the Smart City Cluster and we participate in the eCity Sevilla project, which is developed in the PCT Cartuja.

On our way we have also become distributors and official technical support providers of Vizimax products, a Canadian company specialized in products related to the controlled switching of electrical equipment switches.

All this journey has brought us this far, to celebrate ten years of growing in the renewable energy sector and applying innovative electrical solutions for the 21st century. Let’s keep growing together.
